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Choosing Vinyl Replacement Windows

vinyl replacement windows

Choosing Vinyl Replacement Windows

Choosing to replace your windows is the first step to improving your home and now-a-days there are a lot of options to choose from. Low-E coating, double and triple glazing are window decisions that you’ll have to make, so what’s the right option for you? These decisions will depend on what goal you’d like to achieve when upgrading your windows. In this blog, we will discuss about the factors to consider before choosing right vinyl replacement windows.

Here are some things you should be aware of before purchasing vinyl replacement windows:

Better than Wood

Vinyl has come a long way over the past decade, it used to be a cheap alternative to wood but would ultimately fade or crack due to poor quality. New innovations have helped vinyl to remain one of the more cost effective options while becoming one of the most energy efficient as well. Not only that, you can choose a finish that is almost indistinguishable from wood but without any of the maintenance. Ecotech can mold and colour Vinyl to any style you wish and you no need to paint it again. Once installed vinyl windows are virtually maintenance free.

Quality Check

When choosing vinyl windows for your home make sure you look for good quality. Choosing high quality vinyl windows may mean you have to pay a little bit more, but you will save yourself money in the long run by ensuring your windows won’t crack or fade and have to be replaced again in a few years. Well-made vinyl has additives that protect it against becoming brittle, fading or yellowing in the sun. Replacing your windows is no small feat, you don’t want to choose a window that will need to be replaced again in a few years and possibly double your expense.

Care Instructions

Another thing you should check before purchasing vinyl replacement windows is the care instructions for that particular window – is it a double hang that tilts? This will make it easier to clean since you can do it from the inside instead of needing a ladder. Also, are the grilles between the panes? If so, this will make it extremely easy to clean since you won’t have to worry about removing them or dusting.


You should purchase your windows based on the climate you live in. One of the great things about vinyl is that it’s a wonderful insulator because vinyl windows are manufactured to be a tight fit. How tight-fitting the window frame is and how well the window shuts are key determinants to eliminating drafts and improving insulation. This tight fit actually has two uses because it also helps cut down on outside noise too.

Check for Glass

Something you should be sure to check is the glass that your window uses. Is it coat with Low-E? This is a thin coat that improves the insulating quality of the glass since glass is generally not a very good insulator.

Energy Star Rating

Finally, you should always check the Energy Star rating of your vinyl replacement windows and make sure that the ratings have been verified by an outside party. When looking to replace your windows you should do your research. With so many options out there, you need to know which is best for your home.

Do you have a question like better vinyl windows company near me?

Ecotech Windows and Doors is the exact match for your question. We are serving Canada since 2001. We provide a free in-home vinyl windows installation estimate. Call us today on 1-888-880-6827.

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