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Side Effects Of An Old Entry Door

old entry door

Side Effects Of An Old Entry Door

Entry doors let in a lot more than your family and your guests. Depending on the season, they also let in cold drafts, hot air, and even rain or snow. Poorly installed, older, weather beaten or damaged entry doors allow the air inside your home to escape.Use these tips to make your entry door more energy efficient. In this blog, we will discuss about the various tips to maximize the efficiency of your entry door.

If your entry doors allow the elements in, then you could face:

Weather damage

Poorly installed or otherwise ill-fitting entry door does a lot more than let hot and cold air in and out. It may also be allowing in rain and damp air. Most houses in Ontario have air conditioners with dehumidifiers. Letting humid air in which keep your home’s temperature up and push your already overstretched A/C even further.

Humid air, dampness, and rain can all make their way through poorly installed entry doors, and can cause some serious damage to your property. A warped door frame could exasperate your entry door issues and make the problem more expensive to solve. Structural damage is also a real possibility when water is concerned. So too are warped floorboards.

Harm Your Health

If your entry door isn’t up to environmental standards it may also be allowing in allergens like grass clippings or pollen, and other soil, contaminants and pollution which may affect seasonal allergy and asthma sufferers. Allowing water or condensation in through your entry door may also lead to mould growth which can seriously harm your health. Young children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable.

Let The Outdoors In

If your entry doors allow the elements in, then they are probably also letting in pests like insects or mice. Even a small gap a fraction of an inch wide is big enough for bugs and rodents to squeeze through and get into your house.

How to fix your entry door?

If your entry door is poorly installed, damaged, or just needs upgrading then follow these tips.


Weather-stripping is inexpensive, easy to install yourself, and effective at protecting your home and the environment. It is a small investment that could pay for itself in reduced heating and cooling costs alone.

Choosing New Exterior Doors

If you are building a new house, or upgrading your existing property then you shouldn’t skimp on entry doors. They are the focal point of your home, and can cost or save you a serious amount of money by reducing energy bills and preventing water damage.

Replace Old Entry Doors

Even if your entry door has no obvious signs of damage, it may still be time to replace it. Modern entry doors are built to meet high environmental standards, with greater insulation on the door and on any glass components, and a tighter fit with a customized modern door frame.

Replacing your existing entry doors could save you money in the long run, add to the value of your home and boost your curb appeal. So, if you are planning to get your entry door replace, Ecotech Windows and Doors is the right and trustworthy place to call in. We are serving Canada since 2001 with our service in this industry. Call us today for a free in-home entry door estimate. 

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