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DIY Easter Window Painting | Ideas and How-to

DIY Easter Window Painting | Ideas and How-to

The Easter holiday is fast approaching. Are you planning an Easter egg hunt and other fun family activities this spring? Looking for other ways to have fun with the kids? There are a lot of great ways you can celebrate. One that is fun and affordable that the entire family can get involved with is DIY window painting. It is the perfect activity for families with kids during the pandemic. You can keep it basic or go all out and create an elaborate window display for your neighbors to see. In this blog we are going to learn DIY easter window painting ideas and how to do it.

It only takes a few minutes of preparation for an afternoon of creativity and fun. How you choose to decorate is completely up to you. You can paint Easter bunnies, baskets, Easter eggs, spring flowers and anything else that reminds of the holiday. You are only limited by your imagination.

Not sure where to get started? Don’t worry, as windows professionals, we can help you with all things windows, including Easter window painting. Here we will outline a couple quick and easy-to-make and easy-to-clean homemade paint recipes. We will also list a few windows paints you can buy at the store if you are short on time.

DIY Easter Window Painting Recipes

Making washable window paints is actually much easier than you think. It only takes a couple minute and you probably have all the ingredients at home already. If you do not, ingredients are available at a low cost. Check out these easy to create recipes:

DIY Washable Window Paints Recipe #1

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 cup of liquid dish soap

Stir up all the ingredients until the substance is completely smooth and free of any lumps. It will only take a minute or two. Add food colouring to create the desired paint colour. Mix colours if you desire. Repeat this process of all the different colours you want to create.

Adding flour to the paint will thicken it up and make it stick better to the window. It prevents it from running down the window and creating more of a mess. It also makes the colours more opaque.

Recipe courtesy of the imagination tree.

DIY Washable Window Paints Recipe #2

For this recipe you will need to following ingredients:

  • Dish soap
  • Tempura paint

Add the colour you want into a container. Add a little bit of dish soap to the paint. Mix up with a paint brush and you are ready to paint! It is that quick and easy.

Note: The more soap you add to the paint, the thinner it will become. But it will also become easier to clean off when you are done. Play around with the mixture a little to get the right balance.

Recipe courtesy of Homespun Threads.

DIY Washable Window Paints Recipe #3

This third recipe is similar to the ones above, but it has an extra ingredient or two. You will also use the stove so an adult must be present. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of flour
  • 1 cup of water
  • Food colouring (or liquid watercolours)
  • A pinch of salt

To make the paint you need to combine the flour and water into a pot. Stir the ingredient on the stove over medium heat until it forms into a paste like substance. Add salt once you remove it from the heat. Add extra cold water (a little at a time) until you get your desired consistency. Divide the paint into separate bowls. Add the food colouring. Add as little or as much as you want to get the desired colour.

Everything used in this recipe is washable and nontoxic. They are also safe to eat if your little one happens to try one of the paints out as a snack! Because you added the salt, the paint will keep when stored properly. So, seal up any unused paint for next time. So, these are some DIY easter window painting ideas and how to do it.

Recipe courtesy of Tinker Lab.

Existing Window Paint Products (For Purchase)

If you are short on time or just can’t be bothered to make your own paint, there are a lot of options available in stores and online to choose from. They work just as well and are just as easy to clean. A quick search online or at your local store is all you need to find it.

Here are a few types of existing window paints on the market as good alternatives:

Most retail or craft stores sell and number of washable paint products. Acrylic craft paints are the most common used to paint on window glass. They can be scraped off easily and are more durable than tempera paint products.

How To Wash Off Temporary Window Paint

One Easter has come and gone, or once you are ready to clean off your window, you will want to clean off your window. Cleaning it is very simple.

If you painted on the outside of the window, you could simply use a garden hose to clean off the paint. Most families, however, tend to paint the inside of the window. Obviously, you cannot use a hose inside. But, cleaning it is just as simple. Get some warm water and use a sponge to wipe off the window. You can use a spray bottle with water as well. Use paper towels or an old towel to wipe dry and the paint is all gone. It a couple minutes your window will be back to normal.

Have a fantastic Easter long weekend and enjoy your DIY easter window painting ideas and how to do it.

Notice Some Window Issues? We Have You Covered!

When working on your painting projects, you may notice some issues with your windows. Perhaps you feel cold air getting into your home, chips or cracks in the frame or other problems. Our team of windows experts can help!

We will happily come and take a look at your windows and assess their condition. It may be a quick fix, or it may be time for a replacement.

Upgrading your windows can absolutely make these issues go away. EcoTech’s EcoSmart Triple Pane Glass and Foam Filled Frames are best in retaining heat and save on energy costs. Learn more about these windows by booking a free estimate. Give us a call at 1-888-837-6569 or book on our website.

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