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Beware of Builder Grade Non-Vinyl Windows in New Homes

non-vinyl windows

Beware of Builder Grade Non-Vinyl Windows in New Homes

The quality of your windows has a significant influence on the overall value of your home. This is because your windows serve both decorative and practical purposes. Builders tend to install low quality windows which are design to keep their costs low and just barely reach the minimum standard. These windows are referred to as “builder grade”. In this blog, we will discuss about the awareness homeowners should consider related to builder grade non-vinyl windows in new homes.

The sad truth about builder grade windows is that they cause issues for the homeowner. So if you have bought or are looking to buy a home in a new housing development, consider investing in new windows. It may seem like a hassle to purchase and install new windows, but doing so can save you time, money and frustration in the long run.

The Importance of Quality Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows have a clean, sleek look, require little maintenance and are energy efficient. The catch with low quality vinyl you will not be enjoying these benefits for long. Heat from sunlight can affect vinyl and cause sagging. This can lead to deformations in the frame of your window, which may force you to purchase new windows anyway.

Many homeowners don’t understand why their vinyl windows turn yellow after a few years. This color change is common with builder grade windows which are produced from the low quality ingredients in cheap vinyl, causing your relatively new windows to become unsightly.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to uncover poor quality vinyl while you shop for new windows. Producers of low quality vinyl will use the chemicals needed to create pure white paint sparingly. The result is an almost imperceptible bluish hue. But if you hold this vinyl up against pure white this coloration will become apparent.

Stress Points and Safety

Windows are meant to provide a view while still protecting the homeowner from the elements. You want your new windows to be constructed to reinforce areas exposed to the sun. That way, unlike your builder grade windows, these higher quality new windows won’t easily succumb to the climatic stressors.

Of course damage from the weather leads to structural weak points. Having structurally weak areas compromises the security and safety of your home.

Stock Sizes

Lower quality windows are mass produce. Replace ill-fitting windows with new windows designed for your home. Drafts can sneak through poorly fitted windows but will find it harder to bypass customized new windows.

This issue goes beyond the builder grade windows being ill-fit. Builder grade-windows typically do not insulate very well. With new windows home owners will find that eventually the increase in energy efficiency will offset the initial cost of investing in higher quality new windows.

It is no surprise that builder grade windows, which tend to be ill-fitting and easily yellow, do not positively impact your home’s curb appeal. Investing in new, high-quality windows, is a great opportunity to consider different designs that will beautify your home and distinguish your house from others in the neighborhood. 

Ecotech Windows and Doors provides you a variety of windows and doors. Call us today! to book your free in-home installation estimate.

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